NetDock, AttachMail, SysMon 2.7 and FastCompress 1.2 released
Date 1-Feb-2013 18:48:10 Topic: software OS4
| Hi, I have just uploaded 2 news littles tools, NetDock and AttachMail, and new releases of SysMon (2.7) and FastCompress (1.2) on OS4Depot.
Click READ MORE for additional info:
1) NetDock 50.0
Is a Docky to monitor the network activity : Picture of NetDock
it monitors : -incoming and outcoming total transfer rate by second -incoming and outcoming total bandwith -System uptime -Interface and local IP address
The interface taken is the first one in the Interface list (ok for the vast majority of people, nevertheless, it can be setted by ToolType ,INTERFACE=) The scale is automatically resized when some thresholds are met ( the uppers numbers are the max of the current scale)
Thanks to : -CentaurZ and Alexandre 'Alex' Balaban for the precious advices and -Tony 'Sinisrus' Canazza for the icons. -Amiga Future for the sample in issue 69 ;)
2) AttachMail 1.0
By Contextual menus, add the selected files (single or multiples files) to a existing mail or a new mail. It works with SimpleMail (>=0.39) and YAM. An installer is available to include theses tools to your ContextualMenu
Picture of AttachYAM Picture of AttachSimpleMail
SimpleMail and/or YAM are automatically launched if not present. For YAM, if a mail is currently being written, the attachments will be add to it. For SimpleMail, a new mail is always opened.
Thanks to : -Lionel 'Lio' Muller for the idea and the several debug tests -YAM and SimpleMail team for the ARexx command to add attachment -Thomas 'thomas' Rapp for his Arexx communication sample http://thomas-rapp.homepage.t-online.de/examples/rexx.c
3) SysMon 2.7 :
-Add of an IDETool tab who use IDETool (true !) to manage the devices -see some infos about your units -change transfer mode (between all modes availables for your unit) -put in standby, active or deactivated state mode (take care with "deactivated" mode, your system have very greats chances to freeze) -open / close your drive if it's a CD-ROM drive -buttons to copy/paste the IDETool command in your S:User-Startup (thanks to Lionel 'Lio' Muller and Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh for the suggestions and for the really very hard tests) -Add of a Messages Port tab who list all opened ports -with the possibility to send ARexx messages to it. -take care when you send Arexx messages that the destination port handle ARexx messages. -the known messages ports who failed to handle ARexx messages have be inhibited (SysMon will not send messages) -Standardization of all the tabs sizes. -Sam440, AmigaOneXE and L3 Cache size have been removed for that
-Add of a "CD Eject" right mouse button submenu in the Volume Tab when a CD/DVD volume is Right mouse selected
Thanks to : -Lionel 'Lio' Muller, Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh and Joel 'Joeled' Edberg for the tests on this release -Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt, Javier de las Rivas, Anthony 'Phantom' Iliakis, Urban 'Niolator' Åhlin for the translations
4) FastCompress 1.2
-ContextMenu integration is simplified, just 3 types of entries are used, instead of more than 10 in previous release. Now, Installer will just add an entry for "Multiple" "Drawer" and "Project" Thanks to Lionel 'Lio' Muller for the tips
-add of a Pause button : -Pause button stop the execution of the compression at the NEXT step (if only 1 file, Pause is unavailable). -The compression will restart when you click again on the Restart button.
-add of a Cancel button : -Cancel button cancels the execution of the compression at the NEXT step and delete the archive (if only 1 file, Cancel is unavailable).
-Thanks to Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh for the suggestion and the several tests on Pause and Cancel
-add of a AUTOQUIT ToolType -If setted to ON (default OFF), Fastxxx will quit as soon that the compression is over -Thanks to Joel 'Joeled' Edberg for the suggestion
-fix a bug who crashed Fastxxx when launched from AmiDock with no files selected. -Now a message is displayed.
-Common catalog for the 4 tools (FastCompress.catalog), -Easier to maintain for translators (thank you Javier de las Rivas for the suggestion)
And thanks, by advance, for feedbacks Guillaume 'zzd10h" Boesel