Amiga Future monthly News April 2013

Date 29-Apr-2013 8:11:34
Topic: News

It's that time again, another month has passed, spring is finally back and on the Amiga Future homepage, much has been accomplished.

So many new files are available for download, a new gallery is online, issue 86 was added, the preview for the Amiga Future 102 is online and much more.

1.4.2013 PD Serie Fish online --Since today the PD series Fish is available for free download in the download area of the Amiga Future Webpage.

3.4.2013 Retro Madrid pictures now online -- Over 6,000 visitors and 43 exhibitors attended the Retro Madrid from March 8. to 10. 2013. The RetroMadrid is the largest event of its kind in Spain.
We were there and made a series of photos for you and have placed them on the Amiga Future webpage... ---- (Click Read More)

You find a fair report in the Amiga Future issue 102, that appears on May 5th 2013.

7.4.2013 Amiga Future 102 Member-Preview online

Today go for all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscriber in the Member-Part of the Webpage the Preview and Reading try-outs of Amiga Future Issue 102 online.

10.4.2013 Amiga Future Issues 86 (german+english) online

The german and english issue 86 of the Amiga Future are out of stock. Because of that you can read the magazines (amongst many other issues) online at (german: ).

11.4.2013 Amiga Future 102 Member-CD-Cover online

Today go for all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscriber in the Member-Part of the Webpage the CD-Covers of Amiga Future Issue 102 online.

17.4.2013 Amiga Future 102 preview and excerpts are now available online

The full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 102 (May/June 2013) are now available online.

Some article in this issue are:

Pandora Teil 2
Dir Me Up

Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.

Needless to say you'll find some FULL versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as the PD software on the cover CD.

A detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at:

The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue now available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.


21.4.2013 Amiga Future: RSS Feed with Amiga-News

German-speaking Amiga users already use the service a long time at The RSS feed with the latest Amiga news.

Today, the feed has been updated to the latest technical standards. Also, there were some minor technical changes. Thus, there should be no more problems with newer feed readers.

Also is available from today, an English-language news feed:

Both feeds are linked to the main webpage of the Amiga Future.

Amiga Future is searching for News

For the Amiga Future homepage we are always searching for breaking stories about the Amiga.

Do you have ...

... released a new software?
... an update?
... published an interesting article online?
... found an interesting article for the news?
... planned an event / meeting?
... just something interesting about the Amiga for us?

Then Report the news directly or via the notification form on the Amiga Future Webpage or write us an email.

27.4.2013 Amiga Future Projekt Everywhere Phase 1 started

The Amiga Future Project Everywhere Phase 1 started this week.

More infos coming soon...

Amiga Future needs reinforcement

We want to bring you many other full versions on the Amiga Future webpage for free. We are therefore looking to contact copyright holders of commercial and shareware software Amiga. Who knows someone?
We are looking for users who are trying specifically to get in contact with rights holders to get permission to publish the full versions.

And that's it again for the month April. For May 2013 there are a lot of updates already prepared.

Andreas Magerl
Amiga Future

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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