3500 articles on Obligement
Date 1-May-2013 10:35:29 Topic: News
| The following articles have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement ( http://obligement.free.fr ) during the last two months. The Obligement's archive now contains more than 3500 Amiga articles (excluding translations).
- March/April 2013 news. - Old articles from A-News 25 to 28: review of Workbench 1.4 beta, review of Workbench 2.0 (AmigaOS 2.0), file: Zorro III, report: AmiExpo 1990 Chicago, review of Professional Draw 2.0, review of Volumm 4D, hardware: A2024, hardware: Amiga 3000, etc. - Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko (former président of Amiga Technologies). - Interview with Larry Kaplan (former developper on Atari 2600, from 2006). - Hardware: Romy A4000. - Hardware: CDTV. - Hardware: create your own ROM 3.9. (Please click Read More)
- Review of PUAE 2.3.3 on Android. - Review of OpenBOR 3.0. - Review of Gravity Force. - Review of Hook. - Review of Oh No! More Lemmings. - File: games with shoot'em up phases. - File: Amiga in TV and cinema (update). - Tutorial: speed up your PowerPC/Warp3D games with FullWin. - Tutorial: installation of ClassicWB 3.9 on WinUAE. - Tutorial: installation of the AmigaOS 3.9, with its Boing Bags, on WinUAE. - Special quizz about the Amiga 3000.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this interesting read.. All translations are welcome. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.