FastView 1.1, SysMon 3.1, FastCompress 1.7, NetDock 50.5 & AttachMail 1.4
Date 1-May-2013 21:34:07 Topic: software OS4
| Hi all, I have just uploaded updates of my programs FastView, SysMon and minor updates of FastCompress, NetDock and AttachMail on OS4Depot.
Thank you for feedbacks and suggestions if you use it...
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FastView 1.1

Picture of FastView 1.1
-very big speed improvment during files scanning (thank to Chris for the tip)
-add of "Set as wallpaper" option. (many thanks to Alfkil Wennermark to kindly send me his code to change WBPattern prefs)
-add of a "Add pictures" option menu to add files by ASL requester multi files and drawers selection allowed
-add of a Search area with a button below the list. Hit enter in the search area to look for a next occurence. (thanks Samo79 and nbache for the suggestions)
-add of EXIF information for JPG pictures thanks to jhead Thank you 'Chris' Young for your port of jhead 2.90, I have compiled the latest version (2.97) in the Data drawer (thanks nbache for the suggestion)
-add of rotate left or right buttons and menu entries for JPG pictures thanks to jpegtran from Michael 'MickJT' Trebilcock Jpegtran is included in the Data drawer
-add of a nice looking banner thank to Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt
-add of picture type information
-change the PNG icon to a Amiga Icon no more need of PNG_icon module thanks to CreateIcon program of Steven Solie and advice from Frédéric 'AmiDark' Cordier
-add of "Copy file path" option to copy in clipboard the path and filename of the selected picture.
-add of swedisch translation by Urban 'Niolator' Åhlin
-remove the 4.1.3 OS level requirement by checking if AboutBox.mcc is available.
-Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt for all the icons, the german translation, for the tests and suggestions -Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh for the italian translation and for the tests and suggestions -Anthony 'Phantom' Iliakis for the greek translation -Urban 'Niolator' Åhlin for the swedish translation -'Alfkil' Wennermark to kindly send me his code to change WBPattern prefs -Joel 'Joeled' Edberg for the tests and suggestions -Mathias 'Corto' Parnaudeau for his tutorials about Datatype and MUI on www.gurumed.net -Alain Thellier and Thore Böckelmann for their advices on forums -'Chris' Young to allow me to include "fitr" and "jhead" to ease contextual menu integration and EXIF informations -Michael 'MickJT' Trebilcock to have ported jpegtran
-And, you, for your feedbacks
FastView on OS4Depot
SysMon 3.1

Picture of SysMon 3.1
-rework of RageMem tab to add a lot of Amiga configurations (for comparison) in a Cycle gadget.
-Theses RageMem results are taken from italian Amiga website http://amiganews.it -They are stored in a text file in Data/RageMem/Results.txt who can be manually edited (Results.txt.ORIG in the same drawer is a backup ;) ) -Number of saved configurations is limited to 40. -In future, I will certainly add a feature to save/delete your own results directly from SysMon.
-Thanks to italians Amigans of amiganews.it for all these benchmarks.
SysMon on OS4Depot
FastCompress 1.7
-change the PNG icon to a Amiga Icon no more need of PNG_icon module
-remove the 4.1.3 OS level requirement by checking if AboutBox.mcc is available.
FastCompress on OS4Depot
NetDock 50.5
-change the PNG icon to a Amiga Icon no more need of PNG_icon module
NetDock on OS4Depot
AttachMail 1.4
-change the PNG icon to a Amiga Icon no more need of PNG_icon module
AttachMail on OS4Depot
Thank you for feedbacks Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel