FFmpeg v2.0 and FFmpegGUI v3.1 released
Date 25-Jul-2013 18:53:33 Topic: software OS4
| A new release of FFmpeg v2.0 for AmigaOS4 has been uploaded to OS4Depot. It features several new filters and includes an AltiVec enabled version.
At the same time a new version of FFmpegGUI v3.1 has been released to support FFmpeg v2.0. It supports additional codecs/formats, has enhanced padding and cropping, and includes expanded setup files to take advantage of FFmpeg’s filter capability.
Read more to see a more complete list of enhancement and changes. ---->
FFmpeg v2.0 changes:
Support for FTP URLs, Opus audio, WebP images, and an enormous range of new video and audio filters, including 3D side-by-side to anaglyph, audio equalizer and more. The full list can be seen in the Changelog file included with the program.
FFmpegGUI v3.1 changes:
Updated to support version 2.0 of ffmpeg. (OLDER VERSION NO LONGER SUPPORTED!). Updated settings files as required to make compatable with version 2.0. Changed cropping to work with v2.0. (NOT BACKWARD COMPATABLE!). See FFmpegGUI Docs. Changed padding to work with v2.0. (NOT BACKWARD COMPATABLE!). See FFmpegGUI Docs. Added ability to toggle crop & pad width & height between relative and absolute values. Changed help to run asycroniously. Thanks to AmigaGuide class provided by Trixie! Change '-sameq' option to '-qscale 0' since '-sameq' is no longer a valid option. Added 64x32 and 96x64 selections to video size settings to create icon size pictures. Added 960x640 and 800x480 video size selections to support newer cell phones. Changed Movie->mp4 quick setup frame rate from 25 to 29.97. Select setup file requesters now remember the last entry. Fixed "Preview" to add file extension to "Output File" if needed before playing. Added support for MUIMPlayer to video player controls. Added AREXX interface to control MPlayer and MUIMPlayer. Added "Mute" audio to MPlayer controls. Added '[' gadget to read start offset time from MPlayer. Moved Start Offset (-ss) option after input file. Slower but more accurate. Added video codecs: x264 (mpeg4), xvid (mpeg4), vpx (webm). Added video graphics codecs: bmp, jpgls (lossless), j2k, tiff, gif. Added audeo codecs: opus (ogg), speek (ogg). Added container format: webm
Created new setup files to use various filters: (See ffmpegGUI.guide) (Dir=Audio) - "Mix 2 Audio file-->1 Audio file.ffmp" (Dir=Audio) - "Fade in first 8 sec of audio.ffmp" (Dir=Audio) - "Boost Bass by plus 10.ffmp" (Dir=Audio) - "Boost Treble by plus 10.ffmp" (Dir=Audio) - "Boost Bass and Treble by plus 10.ffmp" (Dir=Video) - "Rotate 90 degrees clickwise.ffmp" (Dir=Video) - "Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise.ffmp" (Dir-Video) - "Rotate 180 degrees.ffmp" (Dir-Graphic) - "Add_25_pixel_frame-->png_picture.ffmp"