Date 18-Jul-2003 15:16:20 Topic: Software News
| AMIATLAS NEWS 2003/07/15
AmiATLAS 6 - New Website online and some map updates. Finally!
A bit delayed the updated Website on AmiATLAS 6 is taking off.
The new address is: amiatlas http://www.amiatlas.net
The old address is naturally valid for a transitional period!
First off, the languages French and Italian have been dropped. The demand was simply too small to justify the additional work. Which of course isn't to say that this might not change again in the future...
Naturally the site was created on the Amiga without any special HTML tools. Layout tests were done exclusively with IBrowse2.3, as there isn't anything else available. If you find errors or have ideas, go on, be so kind and drop me a line!
Finally there is a news page with new items about the whole project beside the newsletter. Here you will find all the changes regarding the Website itself, the main program or map updates. And of course anything else that might crop up.
Likewise the list of features has been expanded as there were a great many requests for this. Furthermore there are now more and most notably big screenshots! More will follow over time. Especially regarding the upcoming special AmigaOS4 version with ReAction GUI and XML features!
The big improvement however is a user forum and guest book which will be activated in a couple of days. Now all people interested in AmiATLAS and even more registered cutomers can enter their ideas and wishes here. Or ask for help, should the usual support not suffice.
And now for all the thrifty ones among the Amiga friends:
Again the prices have been reduced a little! This will however change again with the OS4 version at the latest!!!
Of course there are also a couple of updates to be announced!
Thus many hours of elaborate work have once more been spent by Manfred Rohde on the following maps:
- Germany - France - BeNeLux - Denmark - Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway, new map of Finland about to follow)
The road network, in particular of the autobahns especially in Germany, is more up to date than many a allegedly cutting-edge PC routing software!
In a couple of days the archives will go out to all those customers who have newly registered in reaction to the most recent news announcement.
Have fun with the new Website and of course also with the map updates!
AmiATLAS Development Team, Gerd Frank and Manfred Rohde
(translated from German by Christian Busse)