Pack Ultimate 3.3.1 for MorphOS 3.3
Date 25-Sep-2013 17:46:37 Topic: software MorphOS
| Association WArMUp is proud to offer you the pack Chrysalis 3.3.1 for MorphOS 3.3.
This pack allows you to quickly obtain a complete environment preconfigured. This pack is not official, it must installed just after clean installation MorphOS 3.3 (registered or not). To install the package, simply mount the ISO image and click the "Install Pack Chrysalis" icon.
The ISO image is freely downloadable from the following link: (Please click 'Read more') (577 MB).
The list of changes is available at the follow of this article.
Feel free to improve this pack by providing a software, translation, idea, etc ... Feel free also to support developers MorphOS for the adventure to continue.
Thank you very much. Papiosaur
List of changes:
- added hotkey LeftAmiga + M to cycle screens - added SMSPlus 1.4b - added SirenaPlayer 2.30 - added ZoomIT.pobj 1.0 - added Elephant.pobj - added MouseEye.pobj - added DigiClock.pobj - added MouseMeter.sbar 1.1 - added Ctorrent 1.4.5 in C: - added Blender3D - added pack Ultimate 68k in E-UAE - added Ikill in CRABUM menu - added MorphENC 0.1a - added Ghostscript 8.70 MorphOS - updated AskMeUp (->1.3.0) - updated Beehive (->0.3) - updated AVCodec for Hollywood (->1.2) - updated FCEU (->1.3c) - updated plugin Charset-AmiPlug for AmIRC (->2.4) - updated VAMP (->0.97) - updated YouTube.js (->0.91) - updated Youtube Fullscreen Fix (->1.12) - updated ZoomIT (->1.3) - updated GenesisPlus (->1.6) - updated Scriba (->1.9.7) - moved drawer Games to sys:Games - moved drawer Emulators to sys:Emulation - moved apps:Applications to sys:Applications - now CRABUM launch automaticaly sys:wbstartup/crabum.rexx - modification of scripts mossys/Ambient/script/uaeexe.rexx and E-UAE/conf/WB.conf (bad paths) - modification of script mossys:ambient/scripts/uaeexe.rexx (bad paths) - modification of boot picture