SMTube : AmigaOS4 port in official SMTube website and sources repository
Date 29-Jan-2014 23:17:59 Topic: software OS4
| A little News about Qt SMTube
Thanks to the kindness of Ricardo 'rvm' Villalba our Qt AmigaOS4 port was merged on the official svn repository.
Even better, Ricardo have inserted an AmigaOS4 binary on the SMTube website download page. Read more ----->
Find the Boing Ball on http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/smtube.php
A little occasion to show to the outside computing world that AmigaOS is not completely dead
And, now, no more need to modify sources to add AmigaOS specific code ! In this version, for AmigaOS4,
* Added an AmigaOS4_ReadMe.txt showing how to grab and compile svn sources. Normally, compilation should run like a charm (following the steps in the AmigaOS4_ReadMe.txt
* Sources codes removed from this package Find them on the svn repository
* Translations updated
* Settings window reworked to remove MPlayer "Cycle gadget"
A little more recent version is too on OS4Depot.
Many thanks to Ricardo 'rvm' Villalba to have kindly merged and modified his code to integrate AmigaOS4 modifications.
If you want to support and thanks him, you can send to him a donation :
He deserves it, in my opinion, he made a lot of work for us...
Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel