Hollywood APPBuilder released
Date 1-May-2015 15:04:14 Topic: Software News
| APPBuilder is a tool that will increase your Hollywood multimedia language productivity, with APPBuilder you can compile and pack your project with a single click without bothering with long shell commands..
The nice thing of this application is that you can choice for which target platforms you wish to build your sources and what Hollywood plugins your application uses, doing so APPBuilder will manage for you all the boring things like copying the correct plugin version in the correct target platform folder.
But that's not all because APPBuilder can manage for you your application resources, just tell APPBuilder which resources must be included with your application and it will copy all of them in the right folders, including MacOSX application boundles!
APPBuilder can also manage external data: with external data I mean data that must be included with your distribution but that is not essential and should be placed outside the main application folder. Think about a "readme" file, or documentation files. Setting these files as external APPBuilder will copy them inside the build folder but outside the application folder, this is especially useful for MacOSX applications because external files will be placed outside the application boundle and so will be easy accessible by the final users.
One more thing that APPBuilder can do is to create for you a zipped archive ready to be distributed, it uses 7zip so you must have it on your system to use this feature or, at least, you should have a similar program that uses the same command line arguments of 7zip.
Here is a screenshot of the main interface:
APPBuilder can be downloaded from my website here APPBuilder is also available on IndieGO! AppStore
This software is shareware, but the downloadable version has no limitations but a single window that sometimes is opened to remind you to register the software if you find it useful. The activation key can be bought on my website or from the IndieGO! AppStore.
You can find more informations as well as the software documentation here