Commodore and Amiga at Maker Faire 2015
Date 7-May-2015 13:43:01 Topic: Events
| Soon it will be Maker Faire 2015! The 10th Annual Maker Faire Bay Area 2015! May 15-17 to be exact! Join the 100,000 Maker Faire attendees and see all the innovation, join in the fun, learn about the new and the old. Meet us at our exhibit table where classic computers and game systems will be on exhibit for you to try out. I'll be bringing in a Commodore 128DCR with SuperCPU 128 and 1581 (or CMD FD-2000/4000) disk drive and an Amiga 3000 with OS 3.1, 4 gig hard drive, and 256 megs of Fast RAM. Both computers will have an eclectic mix of programs for everyone to use.
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Other Makers at the exhibit table will bring other computers and/or game systems -- Apple II, Atari, and more.
Find us in the Fiesta Hall (or if we're not there, we'll be in the Expo Hall), San Mateo Event Center (a.k.a. San Mateo Fairgrounds), 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo, California. Maker Faire hours --
Friday, May 15: 1 pm - 7 pm (special preview day) Saturday, May 16: 10 am - 8 pm Sunday, May 17: 10 am - 6 pm
Our exhibit as presented to the Maker Faire committee -- "Nine Nostalgic Nerds of Imperfect Math [Project 50076]" -- but I prefer the simpler title, "the Nostalgic Computers Exhibit." :)
To learn more about Maker Faire and the multitude of exhibits and activities there, go to
Expecting our exhibit to be overrun, Robert Bernardo Fresno Commodore User Group http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm July 18-19 Commodore Vegas Expo 11 - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex