New articles on Obligement
Date 1-Jul-2015 10:04:52 Topic: News
| The following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement (http://obligement.free.fr) during the last two months:
- May/June 2015 news. - Old articles from Amiga News 72 to 74 : Review of Brilliance 2.0, News: Amiga's Future from David Pleasance, Hardware: Kit ROM 3.1, Hardware: Retina BLT/Z3, Hardware: SX-1, Review of Video Creator, Review of LightWave 3D 3.5, Review of Maple V, Report: Computer '94, etc. - Interview with Daniel Müßener and Markus Kunkel (Cherry Darling). - Interview with Colin Proudfoot (Commodore UK) and Bernard Van Tienen (Escom). - Review of AEROS 3.5. - Review of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition (Classic version). - Review of MorphOS 3.8/3.9. - Review of Swamp Defense 2. - Review of King's Quest 6. - Report: Amiga, the king of interactive multimedia presentations. - Programmation: Assembleur (remake of Mortal Kombat in AGA). - Tutorial: utilisation of the AmigaOS 4.1 dockies. - Tutorial: cracking of Bio Challenge. - Tutorial: installation of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition on Classic Amiga. - Tutorial: installation of MorphOS (update). - Book: Éric Chahi - Parcours D'un Créateur De Jeux Vidéo Français. - Special quizz about the Amiga 600.
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for this nice reading. All translations are welcome. Please contact David "Daff" Brunet for more info.