ArtBase released
Date 7-Jul-2015 15:46:31 Topic: Software News
| ArtBase is a program , with which you are able to create freely configurable masks for your tables and databases.
Towards the end of 2012 somebody in the Alk.org forum asked how other users manage their Amiga games. All proposals had some features in common: Every user employed different programs for his project. Every user saves other data in his table. Nearly all of them agreed that there should be a more systematic approach, and that databases and spreadsheets are definitely too dry to organize lists of games and such in an attractive way. And, most importantly, noone wants to rewrite all his data, just to use a new program...
Thus I decided to develop a program which can present your data in a suitable context: ArtBase.
The features of ArtBase: ArtBase imports data in the CSV-format, which is supported by most programs. ArtBase filters and sorts your data. For "coolness" reasons, ArtBase runs on a borderless (MUI)-screen.
Datatypes: ArtBase uses its own system, to display many field types. As short texts will be displayed as single lines in a field, long texts are scrollable inside the field. If there is a path information to a picture, the picture will be displayed in the mask. The same applies for music- and external textfiles. Slideshows can be played with ArtBase in the easiest way. Checkmarks and a ratingsystem can be displayed inside ArtBase. E-mail and URL-addresses can be opened via OpenURL.
Free design possibilities ArtBase has been developed in a way, that you are not limited in any way when designing your masks. So you are able to: Freely place and change size of every data field. Assign to every field its own font and font-size. Set individual parameters for color, color gradient, transparancy and frames for every field. Put freely configurable and positionable headings onto every field. Freely design the background through color, color gradients, textures or pictures.
ArtBase is intuitive Select and move fields like icons, resize them like windows. Create new fields just like new drawers. ArtBase uses MUI for every configuration-window.
Help-functions: ArtBase includes a comprehensive documentation. Every configurationwindow has a help-button, which leads you to the according chapter inside the manual. ArtBase includes an undo/redo function. ArtBase can in addition to using the mouse, be operated by keyboard almost completely. The display of coordinates and a switchable grid contribute to a rapid and accurate placing and resizing of fields.
ArtBase is localised. ArtBase contains catalog-files for english, german, french, polish, spanish and swedish language. The documentation of Artbase is available in english, french and german language.
ArtBase runs on AmigaOS3(UAE), AmigaOS4, AROS and MorphOS.
Although ArtBase V1.0 is released, it's development is far from finished with this version. Aside from bug fixes there are still some other enhancements planned:
ArtBase should be ported to other platforms. Above all Android and iOS are planned. ArtBase should be able to open databases over the internet. Further view modes, for example a list mode, shall be realized. ArtBase should be able to handle more datatypes, like film- and pdf- files. ArtBase should get its own table editor.
ArtBase is donationware and the further development will not at least depend on your feedback. So if you like ArtBase, please honor my work, which consists of more than 2000 Working Hours! With donations from 20 Euro and up, you get ArtBase on CD in a DVD-cover and a professionel printed documentation.
At this point I would like to say thank you to all graphic designers, beta testers and translators. Without your help ArtBase never had come true! Thank you very much!!
ArtBase is available at www.amiga5000.de