Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, July 11

Date 10-Jul-2015 19:06:56
Topic: Events

Happy month of July, C= and Ami comrades!

The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, July 11, from 2 to 4+ p.m. at

Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400

It's almost time for the Commodore Vegas Expo, and talk will center around the July 18-19 show! We'll discuss the members' plans for attending and/or presenting at CommVEx.

On the hardware side, we'll look at some new items - the BenQ BL912 VGA monitor which is compatible with Amiga, the Amiga VGA adapter from Pavel, and from -- the Gotek Extension Board for Amiga, the USB-to-Amiga mouse converter, and the Cyclone RX Playstation controller adapter for Amiga/Commodore. We'll even have new C64 disk games from Psytronik/Binary Zone PD and the music CD's -- Paula Agnus Denise: the Best of Amiga/CD32 Video Game Music and the Shadow of the Beast Remix Album.

As usual, we'll have our go-to equipment to test out all this stuff -- the Amiga 3000, the SX-64, the VIC-20, and the Plus/4.

Bring anything else you'd wish to share to the meeting!

Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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