zTools 2.0 available on AMIStore
Date 3-Oct-2015 21:02:07 Topic: software OS4
| zTools 2.0, new free update, is now available on AMIStore.
 This version contains some enhancements for SysMon, FastNote, WebReplay, FlipPaper, FastView, aTunes & FastHide.

Click READ MORE for details ===>
 -SysMon v5.3
* Added support for X5000 in System tab
 -FastNote 1.6
* Added : Tooltype "START_ALL_NOTES" ON / OFF to start all notes at once or individually (default : ON)
* Modified : "Close by Esc" option is now ON by default Take care, if "Close by Esc" is disabled, FastNote will no more be closed when MUI will try to flush all MUI applications (when updating MUI for example)
* Reintroduced 4.1.6 compatibility by reusing Picasso96 functions only for AmigaOS 4.1.6
 -WebReplay 2.5
* Added a new A website (see ReadMe for more informations)
 -FastView v4.3
* Fixed SCREENGRAB CLI switch to allow to use it by key mapping.
For example, map "APPDIR:FastView SCREENGRAB" to your "Prt-Scr" key in Fkey or All-key. Current screen will be grabbed to RAM:FastView_Capture_Tyymmdd_hhmmss.JPG and opened in FastView GUI. See ReadMe for availables options.
* Reintroduced 4.1.6 compatibility by reusing Picasso96 functions only for AmigaOS 4.1.6
 -FlipPaper v2.5
* Compiled with latest FE SDK
* Kept 4.1.6 compatibility by reusing Picasso96 functions only for AmigaOS 4.1.6
 -aTunes v3.1
* Reintroduced 4.1.6 compatibility by reusing Picasso96 functions only for AmigaOS 4.1.6
 -FastHide 1.6
* Reintroduced 4.1.6 compatibility by reusing Picasso96 functions only for AmigaOS 4.1.6