zTools 2.4 available on AMIStore
Date 27-Mar-2016 3:09:14 Topic: Software News
|  zTools 2.4, new free update, is now available on AMIStore.
This version contains some enhancements for FastView, SysMon, WebReplay and aTunes

Click READ MORE for details ===>
 -SysMon 5.6
* Added network interface MAC address in System tab / Network part
* Fixed a crash condition when switching from ENVARC: to ENV: in GlobalVars tab
* Fixed non working ENV variable delete
* Removed "#?.info" from the GlobalVars parsing. Thanks to Javier 'Jabirulo' de las Rivas
* Moved "System" tab at last tab
* Recompiled with gcc 4.1.3 instead of gcc 5.3.0 to avoid some crashs
 -FastView 4.7
* Fixed trashed thumbnail when converting a picture
* Fixed DSI when a picture was dropped on FastView at start of Amiga
* Recompiled with gcc 4.1.3 instead of gcc 5.3.0 to avoid some crashs
 -WebReplay 3.0
* Added Streaming support to french Canal+ website using APPDIR:ffplay
* Added an A website support (see ReadMe for more informations)
 -aTunes & aTunes Cover AAmp 3.4
* Recompiled with gcc 4.1.3 instead of gcc 5.3.0 to avoid some crashs
Guillaume 'zzd10h'