Enhancer Software Released On AMIStore (OS4)
Date 1-May-2016 20:50:38 Topic: software OS4
| Enhancer Software Released On AMIStore Cardiff, May 1st 2016
 A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce that the new Enhancer Software has been released on AMIStore App Store for OS 4. The Enhancer Software is a collection of utilities, commodities, classes, datatypes and libraries with the aim of enhancing the AmigaOS experience. It is the result of about nine months worth of hard work by the AmigaDeveloper.com Team.
The Enhancer Software contains the debut pre-release version of Warp3D Nova and there will be free updates for Enhancer Software users as Nova gets updated over the coming months.
X-Dock is a new feature rich docking system. It makes it's public debut on the Enhancer Software.
MultiEdit is a new tabbed text editor included in the package with many other features.
Multiviewer, the datatype viewer gets an upgrade to version 2.2, adding new features such as image thumbnails and much more. It now uses the new Shared Image Class and InfoWindow Class.
Ringhio Notifications has had many internal updates over the last few months to bring it to version 53.53. It now features notification sound, colourwheel support, individual app configuration plus lots of bug fixes over the old version bundled in OS4.
TuneNet has been updated as a result of user feedback and requests. The User Interface now supports 4.1 FE features and our new classes such as InfoWindow Class and ProgressBar Gadget Class. The new version is exclusively included.
ClipViewer also makes it's debut. This is a new Clipboard manager which has integration with other applications in the Enhancer Software.
Exchanger is a new commodity and application manager which gives external control of running applications and commodities, including: showing or hiding the program GUI, shutting the program down, displaying the Workbench information requester for the particular program, enabling and disabling commodities.
The Enhancer Software package is available to purchase as two versions. A Standard edition containing the RadeonHD v1 driver and the CANDI Special Edition with four animated Workbench backgrounds, and a Plus Edition which includes the RadeonHD v2 driver with composite video support together with the full CANDI package. 
Many of the applications on the Enhancer Software use the new gadgets and classes that have been written from the ground up to give extra functionality to the apps they serve. InfoWindow Class provides a better way of displaying Information and About windows and is utilised with most applications in the Enhancer Software. Similarly, the new Shared Image Class is used by MultiViewer and ClipViewer.
We are also pleased to have licenced Joerg Strohmayer's Amiga software for the Enhancer Software including new versions of SmartFileSystem, AmiDVD, PartitionWizard and DiskCache Library.

What is in the Enhancer Software distribution?
Drivers and File Systems ● Warp3D Nova ● RadeonHD updated for Nova ● SmartFilesystem2
Utilties ● AmiDVD (updated) ● InfoWindow Tool ● MultiEdit ● MultiViewer v2.2 ● Partition Wizard (updated) ● TuneNet (updated) ● X-Dock ● CANDI ** & CANDI Prefs
System ● Notification Server & Prefs (v53.53) ● Format with SFS support
Commodities ● ClipViewer ● Exchanger
C Commands ● RequestChooser
Gadgets and Classes ● InfoWindow class ● Optionbutton gadget class ● PieChart gadget class ● ProgressBar gadget class ● SharedImage class
Datatypes ● SimpleHTML Datatype
** Standard Edition contains CANDI Special Edition
A boxed CD version of the Enhancer Software will also be available from authorised dealers shortly.
Special Thanks: Without the dedication, hard work and endurance of the Developers, Beta Testers, Graphic Artists and Contributors, this project would not have been possible. A-EON Technology sincerely thanks everyone involved in this project.
