AmigaGuide is dead! Long live Amiga Guide!
Date 25-Jun-2016 15:29:43 Topic: News
| For starters you should read: This: AmigaGuide news #1 , this: AmigaGuide news #2 and this: AmigaGuide news #3 .
WE HAVE PRINTED THE LOT! I sent the magazines myself (thx to those interested!) last Monday.
I owe you all both an apology and an explanation of my behaviour of both the magazine delay and my behaviour at IRC.
I was intended to a mental hospital for 9 out of 11 past months and was in a state of a growing psychosis from September 2014 up to last month. This was a pretty long and difficult period of my life that now is over. At least my parents and good friends says I now have my feet at the ground again. So please, #amiga @ EFNet (and esp. to Sir Opus aka. Andrew Clarke), I hope you can forgive me.
Status about the magazines: What I meant about Amiga Guide Magazine (our English edition), being R.I.P., was nothing more than a change of name. We will from next issue on call it AmigaMAD. I am proud to be an MAD Amigan, ain't we all pretty mad being busy with a 30 y-o computing platform? ;) Hence the name ...
Our Norwegian edition will still be called Amigaguiden.
In total we printed 500 copies of R.I.P-issue of #amiga guide magazine. In total we printed 110 copies of Amigaguiden magazine, issue 1-2015.
PDF's can be downloaded from here: English editions Norske utgaver
Status about amiga.zone: amiga.zone , our main site (Norwegian) is now relaunched. Website is reworked and launched as of: [23:17:01] <@vkarlsen> ding [23:17:14] dingo? [23:17:24] <@vkarlsen> online [23:17:28] <@vkarlsen> http://amiga.zone
This is under one hour ago. BIG hugs and kisses to Vidar Karlsen who is our webmaster! 
Site still has some errors, but is usable. If anyone has the time to help us looking for problems or just interested in general Amiga IRC chat, feel free to join the following channels: #amigachat at Freenode (English), and/or #amigaguiden at EFNet. (Thunder, I hope you see this and come back to IRC chatting with us) EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
Future: We have issued one edition each year during 2013, 2014 and 2015. For 2016 we plan two issues, for 2017 we hope for four issue. This depends a little on how much help we gets and how things developes.
AmigaWeb.net will be reworked in the same way as amiga.zone.
So what can I say? We keep on breating and still is in for a fight against evil forces of the wicked elements of the computer industry.