MKShare Released On AmiStore

Date 4-Dec-2016 16:35:51
Topic: software OS4

I'm really pleased to announce that MKShare is finaly ready for public release and available to download from AmiStore for just £5.00 (plus VAT).

MKShare enables you to seamlessly share your mouse, keyboard and clipboard between several AmigaOS computers, reducing desk clutter and avoiding the need for KVM switches which are often reported problematic with Amiga based systems.

For your £5.00 you will get the MKShareServer which runs on the central computer with the mouse and keyboard attached and the MKShareClient with runs on up to 4 client computers. As additional bonus you get a FREE MKShareClient68k which enable you to control an a1200 with networking or perhaps a WinUAE based amiga too.

Unlike systems like synergy a low level protocol is used that mimics the behaviours of input device with packets closely matched to the underlying event messages, giving a smooth amigalike feeeling to the remote mouse. You can hardly tell it not a 'real mouse'. In most cases lag is minimal, the exception being when the server of client are under very heavy CPU mode.

I've been using MKShare between my SAM Flex and my X1K and it honestly feels like one machine with two monitors!

MKShare also has the abilty to reconnect if the client of server is rebooted

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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