A big bounty to boost development on MorphOS

Date 22-Jan-2017 20:55:43
Topic: software MorphOS

The WArMUp Association launches a big bounty to boost development on MorphOS (ports or native development).

The developers can propose project(s) would like to realize or port.

MorphOS users can realize a donation using the "Donate" button placed in the Bounty box of WArMUp site or "send money to a friend" to warmup.asso@gmail.com to limit paypal taxes mentioning the name or type of project they would like to see happen on MorphOS.

The list of projects already available and amounts are available on www.warmup-asso.org.

The donor can at any time move the amount he has given to another project if the one he has chosen is not realisable or he no longer likes it by writing to the address papiosaur2 at hotmail.fr.

If a developer don't have hardware to realize a project, the association can provide him with one (shipping costs to him).

It's up to you to boost development on MorphOS.


This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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