AmiCloud- , Appstore. and indieGO!-OS Updates

Date 8-Apr-2017 22:32:46
Topic: Software News

We have updated AmiCloud and the indieGO! Appstore for all systems.

Changelog for AmiCloud 1.2 (build 0313):
- Fixed voucher code support
- Fixed registration process

Grab it from

Changelog for indieGO! Appstore 1.1
- Works again (old binary cant't connect anymore due to changed request style)
-New fplatform filter screen, for now only single filters because server does not support yet multiple platform filters. The new platform filter has been applied to the search screen as well. Long application descriptions now will scroll to the left. When a requester appears the background is now grayed out to improve GUI visibility.
-Download Manager and AppStore opening Window -> Both Back arrows should point Left, not right as per the Catalogue Browser which is correct. Manage Settings -> Interface Resolution... EFFETCTS should be EFFECTS. AppStore -> Current Filter window -> AmigaOS 4 missing from options. Some work on bug reports.
-Applied the new requesters to:

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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