Dir Me Up 3.30 released for AmigaOS 4.1

Date 21-May-2017 10:47:53
Topic: software OS4

Dir Me Up 3.30, the modern Amiga explorer, has been released for AmigaOS 4.1 computers!

Dir Me Up, a software to explore and manipulate files, links and drawers of your Amiga.

What's new
- Last visited location saved to automatically load it the next run.
- Soft or hard links creation ("refresh volumes" button used, [Amiga]+[K]).
- The list of volumes and the current location are refreshed when uniconifying Dir Me Up.
- Bookmarks / When a bookmark is added, a notification is now displayed rather than a window (except for the first one).
- Bookmarks / The "remove" button is no longer displayed when the list is empty.
- Filter / If only one item results from the filter, it is automatically selected (and previewed if necessary).
- Filter / If the filter did not produce any results and the "Home" or "End" keys were pressed, a run-time error occurred: fixed.
- Link preview / the type (soft or hard) is now displayed.
- Soft link to a drawer did not work: fixed.
- Hard link did not work: fixed.
- Location / Italian translation fixed.
- AmigaOS 4.1 FE specific:
.. "Location" menu
. * "Remove bookmark" option has been added.
. * "Create link" option added.
. * "Create Text File" option added to create a text file in the current location.
. * "Add to bookmarks" and "Create drawer(s)" options inverted.
.. "File" menu: "Send to" submenu added.
.. "File/Send to" submenu:
. * "Editor" option added: opens the selected file(s) under the defined editor.
. * "Multiview" option added: opens the selected file(s) under Multiview.
. * "E-mail" option added: opens your e-mail client (YAM or SimpleMail) and creates a message with the selected file(s) as an attachment.
.. Bookmarks / When adding a bookmark via the keyboard shortcut ([Amiga]+[B]), the action was done twice and generated an information message: fixed.
- ...

As usual, this update is free for all registered users and has been sent to them. Don't forget to add our e-mail in your adress book to avoid the SPAM filter. If you didn't get it, contact us.

A tutorial is available online in English or Greek.

More details on our website.

You can download a demo allowing (only) browsing
here or there.

Dir Me Up, improve your Amiga!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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