Amiga Kit Stocks Apollo Team Accelerators

Date 28-May-2017 22:40:18
Topic: Hardware News

Amiga Kit stocks new Vampire v500 v2+ from Apollo Team
28th May 2017

AMIGA KIT Amiga Store is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the Apollo Team to retail the Vampire branded accelerator cards to our worldwide customer base.

We have already received a limited amount of Vampire v500 v2 stock and this has been added for sale. We are hopeful of more stock arriving shortly in the next month.

The new accelerator is powered by the Apollo/68080 Core which is the natural and modern evolution of latest 680x0 processors. It's 100% code compatible, corrects bugs of 680x0 designs and adds on top most of the cool features which were invented the years after.

Apollo core : a game changer
Back in the 80s, Motorola was leading the market with his 680x0 CISC processors range, selling it to big companies like HP, Apple, Atari, Commodore, NeXT, SEGA and others. Today, 680x0 is still used by industrial machines, planes industry, cars vendors and is still used by retrocomputing fans around the world.

When put in an FPGA, the Apollo offers a good combination of moderate FPGA space consumption and excellent performance.

Apollo surpasses the performance of 68060 ASIC by far - even when only using low cost FPGA.

Performance Amiga-land deserves
Bored of tiresome 68020 performance, or the expense of 68060 accelerators and not feeling the same emotions with emulation? Apollo core resolves all those topics!

The Apollo accelerators are faster than a 68060 at 100MHz, delivering more performance to Amiga than ever before. It now makes web browsing, listening to MP3 music, watch videos a more enjoyable experience.

In addition each card can output 32-bit video through RTG and SAGA drivers.

The Apollo core on the FPGA can be upgraded from periodic updates release by the Apollo Team.

In response to the news, AMIGA KIT Managing Director Matthew Leaman said: "We are thrilled to stock and support these exciting and innovative products from the Apollo Team. In 2017 it is amazing to see the hard work and dedication that has gone into this project. It will certainly let Amiga users get a lot more from their computer at a great price."

Gunnar van Boehn of Apollo Team commented: "Lets work together to bring 68K and AMIGA back!"

Igor Majstorovic of Apollo Team also said: "From my perspective I m very excited to work with AmigaKit. AFAIK we can do all bunch of stuff in the future together."

For more information, please visit:

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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