Commodore Retro eXpo in Las Vegas, only 12 days until event!
Date 19-Jul-2017 20:12:34 Topic: Amigaworld.net News
| Commodore Retro eXpo (CRX) is almost here!
This 3 day event will be held July 28-30, 2017 at the luxurious Alexis Park Resort in Las Vegas, NV.
For the BEST Commodore show this year in these United States!
Raffles, Prizes, Special Guests!
FREE ADMISSION. Don't MISS this event.
Show setup starts FRIDAY and doesn't end until SUNDAY!
Commodore Retro eXpo Website

And ONLY Available at the CRX show is the new for the show is the optional C64 LCD Badge! The first C64 wearable product made exclusively for the show. Opensource design so you can reprogram to make your own projects with!
