Amiga Future monthly News August 2017

Date 1-Sep-2017 21:38:09
Topic: News

Amiga Future 128 Member-Preview online

From today and applying to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers you can find in the Member's Part of the Webpage the online Preview and Reading try-outs of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 128.

Amiga Future: New full versions online

The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:


An overview of the recent uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:

Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...

We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications.
Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search?
If so, then please contact us by email.

We are looking for extra support in order to revise the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage.
In particular, to check whether all those full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete.
In addition, a short description, in 2 sentences or less, about each of their system requirements and some screenshots need to be created.
If you want to help us, then please send us an email.

Amiga Future Mag Index Update

The Amiga Future Mag Index updated today.

Amiga Future 128 Member-CD-Cover online

From today, and available online to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers, in the Member-Part of the Webpage are the CD Covers of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 128, so you can download them, and print them out if you wish to save you from cutting out those pages from our beloved magazine.

APC&TCP and Amiga Future magazine at Gamescom

This year, APC&TCP will also be featuring the Amiga Future magazine at Gamescom from August 22nd to 26th August 2017.

Over more than 60 square metres, we will be displaying about 20 Amiga models where you can ask any of your questions concerning the Amiga.

You will find us in hall 10.2 in the retro area.

On the Facebook page of the Amiga Future magazine, we intend to keep you up-to-date about this year's Gamescom event.

As a result of us attending this event, e-mails, as well as the Amiga Future News, will only get actioned after August 29th.

Of course, our online shop will still be available for you to place your orders.
However, deliveries will be delayed until after 29 August. (This also applies to online products)

As a result of the likely backlog of orders, it may take a day or two to finish sending off all those orders.

Amiga Future: photos of the Gamescom online now

The Amiga Future was represented at this year's Gamescom in Cologne (Germany) with a small booth (60 square metres ;) ) in the Retro range.

And of course we have made a lot of photos.

During the fair, we have posted this diligently on Facebook.

From now on you can find the pictures on the website of the Amiga Future.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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