Two new PDF viewers released: RNOPDF 1.0 and RNOComics 1.3

Date 10-Nov-2018 11:29:45
Topic: Software News

RNOPDF is a compact PDF viewer with a minimal GUI and easy control options. It is available for MorphOS, AmigaOS 3 (68k/68k+FPU/WOS with RTG), AmigaOS 4, Mac (PPC/x86/x64), and Windows (x86/x64).

RNOComics is a comic book viewer that can open almost any archive file, PDF file, or a directory with unarchived images, and display the images in it in a GUI designed to read comics. Version 1.3 adds support for PDF files and it is available for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4.

Please visit RNOPDF and RNOComics homepages for more information and download links.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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