Blastaway released!

Date 19-Nov-2019 14:34:07
Topic: software OS4

Italy, November 12, 2019 - RETREAM is delighted to announce the release of Blastaway, a highly playable and entertaining arena shooter, gameplay-wise heavily and shamelessly inspired to Wizard of Wor and graphically somewhat inspired to The Chaos Engine. Graphics have been pixelled by hand and music has been tracked as modules to let the player live a true 16 bit experience. And the 50 arenas, spread over 5 different stages, have been designed to make that experience intensely enjoyable... and last long! Are you brave enough to step into the arenas and clear them of the wors they swarm with?

Gameplay video

(click to enlarge)

Blastaway runs on AmigaOS 4 and Windows. And it's... free!

Blastaway page
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This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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