Amiga Future monthly News April 2020
Date 3-May-2020 19:32:36 Topic: Announcement
| 7.4.2020 ******** Amiga Future: Little Tiny Slug video from AmigaBill online
On March 22, AmigaBill interviewed Tiny little Slug's Andre Zeps on Twitch.
You can now watch the English interview on the YouTube channel of the Amiga Future.
https://www.youtube.com/c/AmigaFuture https://www.twitch.tv/amigabill http://tls.apc-tcp.de
9.4.2020 ******** Amiga Future: New full versions online
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:
Eddi Edwars Super Ski
An overview of the receAmiga Future: New full versions online nt uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:
Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...
We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications. Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search? If so, then please contact us by email.
We are looking for extra support in order to revise the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage. In particular, to check whether all those full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete. In addition, a short description, in 2 sentences or less, about each of their system requirements and some screenshots need to be created. If you want to help us, then please send us an email.
15.4.2020 ********* Demo version of Tiny little Slug released
Many users asked us whether we could not also publish a demo version of the new game in addition to the video of Little Tiny Slug.
It took a while but now the time has come. You can now download a demo version of Little Tiny Slug.
http://tls.apc-tcp.de/index-de.php https://www.amigashop.org/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=slug http://www.apc-tcp.de
17.4.2020 ********* The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 144 preview is now available to view online
This is the full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 144 (May/June 2020) can now be viewed online on the Amiga Future website.
Some of the interesting articles in this issue are:
Review Atomic Bomberman Review Curse of Rabenstein Special Black & White
Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.
Needless to say you often get other versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as some of the latest try-outs or freely released software applications and games for, hopefully, all of the Amiga type Operating systems, so that's Amiga 'Classic', OS4, MorphOS, and AROS, including some PD software for these systems, all on the Readers' cover CD.
A detailed description of content and excerpts of this current issue can be found at: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=cat&cat=13
The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue is available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.
Preview: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=13 Orders: https://www.amigashop.org
https://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de
25.4.2020 ********* Old Amiga Future Ausgabe 116 in german & english now online
Since today you can read the Amiga Future issue 116 online on our webpage
In irregular intervals we provide older issues of the Amiga Future for free online.
The magazines and the PDF versions (in HQ) are also available in our online shop
Read the german mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=10 Read the english mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=65
30.4.2020 ********* Amiga Future: cheats database Update
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updates weekly by David Jahn, even at first sight if it is not immediately apparent.
The cheat database on the Amiga Future webpage is probably the biggest German collection for the Amiga.
This is not just about cheats. Many solutions, tips and tricks, as well as Freezer addresses can be found in this collection.
Meanwhile you can find more as 3400 Games Cheats and solutions in the database, and there is always more.
The database is currently completely in German. If we receive enough donations for the website, we have planned to integrate a proper online database, which will also be available in English.
https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/GTT https://www.amigafuture.de
Since our last report the following Updates have been added:
24 Apr 2020 - Cannon Fodder - Loesung aktualisiert 24 Apr 2020 - Cannon Fodder - Loesung aktualisiert 24 Apr 2020 - Cannon Fodder - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 24 Apr 2020 - Cannon Fodder - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Software erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 17 Apr 2020 - Cadaver - Loesung aktualisiert 10 Apr 2020 - Burntime - Loesung aktualisiert 10 Apr 2020 - Burntime - Loesung aktualisiert 10 Apr 2020 - Bundesliga Manager Professional - Loesung aktualisiert 10 Apr 2020 - Bubble Bobble - Loesung aktualisiert 03 Apr 2020 - Borrowed Time - Software erfolgreich geprueft 03 Apr 2020 - Borrowed Time - Loesung erfolgreich geprueft 03 Apr 2020 - Borrowed Time - Loesung aktualisiert