Amiga Future monthly News July 2020
Date 30-Jul-2020 13:11:47 Topic: News
| 2.7.2020 ******** Amiga Future issue 145 released
The English and German issue 145 (July/August 2020) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.
Mag Content:
Review The Queens Footsteps Review Distant Suns Special Action Replay Amiga 500
and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today
A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine homepage.
Information: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=13 Orders: https://www.amigashop.org
5.7.2020 ******** Amiga Future magazine index update
The Amiga Future magazine index has been updated and now also contains the index of the latest edition of the Amiga Future.
The magazine index contains all article titles from the Amiga Future editions. This makes it easier to find a specific article in over 20 years of Amiga Future.
In addition, the magazine index can also be used with the AFA Viewer for AmigaOS 4.
Firstly, to find out in which edition an article was published.
But you can also read the articles published on AFA-DVD directly with the AFA Viewer. To do this, the AFA-DVD must be in the drive or installed on the hard disk.
It is also possible to partially access the files directly from the Amiga Future homepage.
Free download of the AFA Viewer: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/dlext/index?cat=78
13.7.2020 ********* Freds Journey Boxed Edition released
APC&TCP is proud to release the new Amiga game Fred's Journey in a physical version for collectors. A digital copy is provided free of charge.
After Trap Runner, Fred's Journey is Retroguru's second Amiga title, which was released on APC&TCP.
The game is available at https://www.amigashop.org
Fred fondly remembers his past journeys on the Commodore 64. Deciding to relive his adventures he heads out again!
About Fred’s Journey:
Fred fondly remembers his past journeys on the Commodore 64. Deciding to relive his adventures he heads out again!
- Runs on any OCS/ECS Amiga, with 1MB RAM from Kickstart 1.2 onwards - Written in 100% 68k Assembler - 50fps, soft parallax scrolling, more than 50 colours - Oldschool pixels - 20 levels - 7 chiptunes - Hidden cheats - Highscore
http://www.retroguru.com/freds-journey/ http://www.apc-tcp.de
14.7.2020 + 22.7.2020 ********************* Old Amiga Future Ausgabe 120+121 in German & English now online
Since today you can read the Amiga Future issue 120+121 online on our webpage
In irregular intervals we provide older issues of the Amiga Future for free online.
The magazines and the PDF versions (in HQ) are also available in our online shop
Read the German mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=10 Read the English mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=65
18.7.2020+26.7.2020 ******************* Amiga Future: New full versions online
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:
Realm of Maiyessae Swords of Twilight
An overview of the recent uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:
Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...
We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications. Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search? If so, then please contact us by email.
We are looking for extra support in order to revise the full versions download area of the Amiga Future webpage. In particular, to check whether all those full versions formats (ADF, IPF, WHDLoad, AGA, CD releases, etc.) are complete. In addition, a short description, in 2 sentences or less, about each of their system requirements and some screenshots need to be created. If you want to help us, then please send us an email.
27.7.2020 ********* Amiga Future search translators
We are looking for assistance for the Amiga Future magazine.
We are looking for translators for the magazine.
German -> English
You should Speak your language (English) very well and have very good spelling in your native language, also understanding the German language well.
And of course, you should also understand what you translate. So basic knowledge on the Amiga are needed on each case.
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de