Amiga Future monthly News February 2021
Date 2-Mar-2021 19:28:24 Topic: News
| 9.2.2021 ******** Amiga Future 149 Member-Preview online
From today and applying to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers you can find in the Member's Part of the Webpage the online Preview and Reading try-outs of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 149.
10.2.2021 ********* AFA Viewer Update released
With this program it is possible under AmigaOS 4 to search for individual articles on the DVD and to display them directly.
It is also possible to access files directly to the Amiga Future webpage.
Of course, Achim Pankalla would also appreciate feedback and ideas about the program.
- Issue 126 - Issue 127
11.2.2021 ********* Old Amiga Future Ausgabe 128 in german & english now online
Since today you can read the Amiga Future issue 128 online on our webpage
In irregular intervals we provide older issues of the Amiga Future for free online.
The magazines and the PDF versions (in HQ) are also available in our online shop
Read the german mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=10 Read the english mags online: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=65
12.2.2021 ********* Amiga Future 149 Member-CD-Cover online
From today, and available online to all Amiga Future 1-Year-Subscribers, in the Member-Part of the Webpage are the CD Covers of Amiga Future magazine - Issue 149, so you can download them, and print them out if you wish to save you from cutting out those pages from our beloved magazine.
15.2.2021 ********* Please note our advertising partners
On the Amiga Future webpage we offer you a huge free content all about the Amiga.
Because the Amiga Future is a non-profit project, the Amiga Future homepage has to finance itself completely. The homepage, which is currently around 30 GB in size, is funded without exception through advertising, donations and our own private funds. Programming new extensions, databases or features really costs a lot.
At the top of the webpage there are several banners from our advertising partners. We also have advertising in the left navigation bar.
Through these web partners we finance the server and programming costs of the Amiga Future webpage.
We would be happy if you pay attention to this advertising and that will ensure that there is still enough advertising on the Amiga Future webpage to finance it adequately.
16.2.2021 ********* The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 149 preview is now available to view online
This is the full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 149 (March/April 2021) can now be viewed online on the Amiga Future website.
Some of the interesting articles in this issue are:
Interview Adrian Cummings Review AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition - Update 2 Review MiSTer
Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.
Needless to say you often get other versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as some of the latest try-outs or freely released software applications and games for, hopefully, all of the Amiga type Operating systems, so that's Amiga 'Classic', OS4, MorphOS, and AROS, including some PD software for these systems, all on the Readers' cover CD.
A detailed description of content and excerpts of this current issue can be found at: http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=cat&cat=13
The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue is available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.
Preview: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/index?c=13 Orders: https://www.amigashop.org
https://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de
18.2.2021 ********* AFA Viewer 1.34 released
AFA Viewer releases in the Version 1.34.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when clicking on an entry that is not yet online. - French catalog added (created by Claude "Amiguy" Malter).
With this program it is possible under AmigaOS 4 to search for individual articles on the DVD and to display them directly.
It is also possible to access files directly to the Amiga Future webpage.
Of course, Achim Pankalla would also appreciate feedback and ideas about the program.
22.2.2021 ********* Pre-order the new Amiga Future issue now
The preview of the new Amiga Future has recently been online.
Now would be the ideal time to pre-order the new edition. Of course, only if you haven't already done so.
This is the fastest way to have the new Amiga Future magazine at home. The pre-orders are sent at the same time as the subscriptions.
Btw: Perhaps you'd prefer an annual subscription?
It couldn't be safer if you don't want to miss any issue of the magazine. We only increased the print run of the Amiga Future some time ago, but at some point even this amount will no longer be sufficient. Unfortunately, some users felt this shortly before the last increase in circulation. Of course that wasn't planned by us, but unfortunately there was no other way.
You can find the contents of the new Amiga Future and of course all of the already published booklets at the address ...
Single issues can be ordered here: https://www.amigashop.org/index.php?cPath=23 And for the sake of clarity, you can order the subscriptions here: https://www.amigashop.org/index.php?cPath=41
https://www.amigashop.org https://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de
28.2.2021 ********* Amiga Future: cheats database Update
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn, even if at first sight that is not immediately apparent.
The cheat database on the Amiga Future webpage is probably the largest German collection for the Amiga.
This doesn't just cover cheats, as many solutions, tips and tricks, as well as Freezer addresses can be found in the collection.
Don't forget you can find more than 3400 Games Cheats and solutions in the database, and there are always more being added.
The database is currently entirely in German, but if we receive enough donations for the website, we have plans to integrate a full-blown online database, which will also be available in English.
app.php/GTT https://www.amigafuture.de
Since our last report the following updates have been added:
26 Feb 2021 - Datastorm - Download-Link aktualisiert 26 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando kehrt zurück - Software erfolgreich geprüft 26 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando kehrt zurück - Lösung aktualisiert 26 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando kehrt zurück - Lösung aktualisiert 26 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando kehrt zurück - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 26 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando kehrt zurück - Lösung aktualisiert 19 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando - Software erfolgreich geprüft 19 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando - Lösung aktualisiert 19 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 19 Feb 2021 - Das Telekommando - Lösung aktualisiert 12 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung erfolgreich geprüft 12 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung aktualisiert 05 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung aktualisiert 05 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung aktualisiert 05 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung aktualisiert 05 Feb 2021 - Das Stundenglas - Lösung aktualisiert