DiscreetFX Presents the Vultures to Vampires 2022 Monthly Giveaway!

Date 13-Mar-2022 21:07:07
Topic: Amigaworld.net News

Chicago, Illinois March 12th, 2022 - Take a Bite out of 2022 and read Vultures to Vampires Volume 1 or Volume 2!

It's Vampire reading season in 2022 from DiscreetFX!

Every month for the year of 2022 DiscreetFX will be giving away two hardbound volumes of Vultures to Vampires Vol 1 or Volume 2.

If you want to enter to win just send an email and your current Amiga and or Vampire confiquration to discreetfx@gmail.com

Please put "I want to take a bite out of 2022 and am willing to win Vultures to Vampires Vol 1 or Vol 2 to read in Dracula's Study!" . These two hardbound volumes of the Amigas historical tragic history are in limited supply or not available yet. Once we can order more than the one copy of Volume 1 we have they will ship to customers, Vampire owners & Amiga fans. We believe the ending of the Amiga saga will be positively undead! Happy reading.

Undeadly Yours


This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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