Rave audio editor released for AmigaOS4
Date 25-Jun-2022 17:08:50 Topic: software OS4
| The first public version of the Rave audio editor has been released for AmigaOS4. The program can be downloaded from OS4depot.
REQUIREMENTS: - AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 or newer. - Enhancer classes (toolbar.gadget, infodata.gadget, select.gadget, shared.image) from a recent Enhancer Software suite or from the free Enhancer Software Core package.
FEATURE OVERVIEW: - A modern, configurable graphical user interface (GUI). - A tabbed environment for managing multiple projects from within a single program window. - Asynchronous operation: performing a task in a project doesn't block the other projects. - Support for multiple clipboard units. - Modular design with an object-oriented plugin system, which makes the program easy to extend. - A wide range of supported audio file types and formats.
Documentation for the program is included in the distribution archive, and can also be viewed online.