Passione Amiga #10 (November 2022) is published!
Date 20-Oct-2022 17:04:41 Topic: News
The new issue of Passione Amiga is out!
In this number:
Video games: Athanor 2 AGA - The legend of the Birdmen, River Raid Reloaded, None of Us, Minky Books: Darkage Software - the story, A Hobbyist's Guide to THEA500 Mini Reportage: Passion Amiga day 2022, Amiga 37 Special CD32 Blender course, part 2 Uncompromising rendering Amiga OS3.2.1 update guide Interviews with: Jon Hare (Sensible Software), Federico "Wiz" Croci (Simulmondo) Plus: Games news, Tech news, THEA500 Mini news, Demo scene, New Talents, MailBox
48 A4 color pages entirely dedicated to Amiga!
Available in printed format: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BJTJ34K4
and in digital format: https://www.passioneamiga.it/numeri/passione-amiga-10-digitale/