The world's first postgraduate program in retrocomputing!
Date 30-Mar-2023 8:53:04 Topic: Amigaworld.net News
As early as October 2023, a postgraduate course with the working title "Retro-computing: technologies and digital art" may be launched at Rzeszow University of Technology. This would be the first study of such a profile in Poland and the world, covering the development of computer techniques and technologies, both in the historical and contemporary context, but emphasizing the involvement of study participants in the creative aspects of retrocomputing - from demoscene to gamedev. The study program includes platform studies and an overview of major Polish and world's computer platforms (arcade machines, Apple, TRS-80, PET, MSX system, Odra, Elwro, Sinclair, Atari, Commodore, Amstrad, Amiga, ST, PC, consoles), the use of computers in art, demoscene, contemporary aspects of retrocomputing (new devices, auction market, legal aspects), as well as creative involvement of study participants through workshops for creating games and demos on 8/16-bit platforms.
The study will last 2 semesters (there will be ca. 9 sessions on weekends). The first semester will be dominated by "hard" aspects (hardware, programming, extensions), while the second semester will be more "soft" (games, demoscene, music, pixel-art, creative workshops). The cost of the study should close at ca. $1000. The study was proposed by the Polish Society for the Protection of Technical Heritage, receiving preliminary approval from Rzeszow University of Technology, as well as support from the Polish Information Processing Society, Rzeszow Chamber, UBU Lab at Jagiellonian University and others.
Interest is currently being probed, based on which the study program will be announced and a call for applicants will be made. Please comment below or reply to studia@ptodt.org.pl if you are interested in participating in this innovative venture as a student or lecturer. The only prerequisite for students is that they must have a higher education - from bachelor's degree upwards - as required by Polish law. For potential lecturers on specific topics, you must have at least a master's degree. The studies will be conducted in Polish.
All comments (both positive and negative), will be collected in the form of a report, which will help the Rzeszow University of Technology decide when the university votes at the end of April 2023 whether the study will take off.
For more information (in Polish) - https://ptodt.org.pl/projekt-studia-podyplomowe
Image is from https://openclipart.org/detail/312430/owl-with-book