MediaVault Script v1.6 uploaded to OS4Depot
Date 3-Dec-2024 0:14:04 Topic: software OS4
| MediaVault Script v1.6 has been uploaded to OS4Depot.
Allows users to select the default stream player for the MediaVault program. Optionally, a requester can be displayed to allow the user to choose how to deal with the stream. Various players can be chosen or the stream can be downloaded.
New for
v1.6 (Nov. 25, 2024) - Changes: Added "User Settings to choose ffplay display mode. 1 - Waveforms. Used to much CPU on slower systems. 2 - Frequency band. Uses much less CPU time. Added "User Settings" to set ffplay window size. Made corrections to "User Settings" Player variable comments. Added keyboard shortcuts to player requester