Amiga Future #45 released
Date 7-Nov-2003 17:47:53 Topic: Announcement
| Today issue 45 of the german print-mag Amiga Future #45 was released
You can subscribe for the Amiga Future or buy a single issue, with or without cover CD.
Content of this issue:
Reviews: Laks Memory Uhr, AS-MPP 86S, MPlayer, Mexikon.
Previews: AmigaOS 4, Realms of Power, Trilero.
Special: Söldner-Spiele.
Workshops: YAM #2.
Sonstiges: Messebericht Benelux Show, Messebericht OASE, Bericht Amiga Meeting Nord, Interview Point Design, News, Up2date, Charts, Cheats, Lösungsweg Monkey Island 3 Teil 2, Der Bote von Tamar, MorphOS Kop. Liste, PD-Games, PD-Tools, Leserbriefe, Inhalt LeserCD, Impressum, Vorschau.
Content LeserCD:
Exklusiv: fullversion: Foundation - The Directors Cut (without Audio-Tracks) Video Benelux Amiga 2003
and many, many other...