Pianeta Amiga 2012 news report

Date 1-Dec-2012 15:14:57
Topic: Amigaworld.net News

After a short period of absence, Pianeta Amiga is back with this year edition that is maninly focused on the software side of development.

Click READ MORE for the main highlights from the show:

- AmigaOS update 6 is being demoed on several Sam4x0/AmigaOne 500 machines
- Sirion USB3 xhci prototype driver has been shown working on AmigaOS 4
- MorphOS 3.2 on Sam460ex (AKA Project Naomo) is being demoed by Frank Mariak and also on a couple of Powerbooks. Please note that Project Naomo is stil in early stage of development.
- Aros for PPC is also demoed at the show
- Digibooster 3 Beta is running (and playing!) under AmigaOS 4.1 update 6
- In occasion of Pianeta Amiga 2012, Pietro Ghizzoni, current owner of AMOS Pro sources after Francois Lionet ceased development, has kindly agreed to release them as Public Domain. You can download the full package in advance from http://www.pianetaamiga.it. Sources will also be put on Aminet in the next days
- Mario Locati will is showing Linux Debian Squeeze, Debian Wheezy and Ubuntu 12.04 running on Sam460ex. He will also show the new versions of Sketchblock (1.8), Abiword (2.8.6), Gnumeric (1.10.17) and The Gimp (2.6.11).
- In the afternoon (local time) Andrea AFX Palmatè will release his latest game port: Equilibrio:

On the hardware side, a new batch a Sam460ex (with red PCB ), Minimig with 4MB RAM and the brand new ARM Controller are on sale and available.

That's all (for now ;)).

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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