AmigaWorld Forum Changes and Additions
Date 12-Jan-2006 0:05:32 Topic: Announcement
| AmigaWorld has evolved and grown over past years, and has become one of the more popular sites for Amiga users. Like the classic Amigas themselves, 'Amiga' means different things to different people. For some, it may include Amiga-like or compatible systems, while others prefer the officially endorsed solutions.
AmigaWorld was founded as a site in support of the official Amiga branded solution, AmigaOS4, as it's primary goal, in the midst of much disagreement and arguments within the scattered community. While the primary goal has not changed, time has, and we have seen a widening of our membership base, and hopefully each of us as individuals as well.
We are making some changes to the forum layouts in order to serve our members better, not only now, but for the future as well. We previously opened the formerly closed AmigaOne Hardware Owners forum, and now have instituted the following changes:
Official AmigaOne Forums |-- AmigaOne Hardware |-- AmigaOne Linux |-- AmigaOne OS4
is now:
PowerPC Amigas |-- Amiga OS4.x \ Workbench 4.x - Discussion of AmigaOS4 itself, OS4 drivers, etc. |-- Amiga OS4 Software - Discussion of applications for AmigaOS4. |-- Amiga OS4 Hardware - Discussion for hardware running AmigaOS4 |-- Amiga PPC Linux - Discussion of Linux running on AmigaOS4 capable hardware
As other hardware solutions may become available, they need a new home, and may not be 'AmigaOne' systems. The content and guidelines of these forums will remain as they have been.
The 'Classic Discussion' forum has been split into 'Classic Amiga Hardware' and 'Classic Amiga Software,' and the 'Amiga General' category remains for anything not so easy to classify.
Additionally, a new forum, for 'Amiga-Like Systems,' named 'Alt Amiga OS,' has been added to the general Amiga Discussion category. This new forum will cover any of the unofficial Amiga compatible or similar systems, such as AROS and MorphOS. The AW staff are aware of differing views of the members and within the staff. Therefore the 'Alt Amiga OS' threads will not display in the front page, but will show via the 'Latest Posts.' link
Note that the primary purpose behind AW has not changed; we retain a focus on AmigaOS4 at this site. This does not in any way, shape or form, however, change the site policies, specifically those pertaining to TOS on Trolling, Baiting and Flaming. Measures will be taken as nescessary against those that would prefer to destroy or hurt versus contribute, regardless of which forums such acts may occur in.
We acknowledge that this move may cause some issues or feelings for some, but we would ask you to remember this- it is our hope that this change may bring about better communications between the different communities, and perhaps one day we will all simply be 'Amigans, one and all' again.
We had a few unexpected issues in dealing with the changes, so some posts and forums were inaccessible briefly. These should now be corrected; however please post in the Website Feedback forum or PM staff in the event you notice any issues.