AmiRevival 2006 CANCELLED
Date 3-Jul-2006 18:13:24 Topic: Announcement
| After much deliberation it saddens me to announce AmiRevival 2006 has been cancelled.
I and a few other team members have tried hard to secure exhibitors over recent weeks with not much success. We had been given assurances by a few organisations that they would attend, or at least their products would be there but due to a lack of communications with them I have made the decision the show would not be viable.
Anyone who has purchased tickets will be getting a full refund in the next few days and if anyone has made any bookings that will leave them out of pocket please do contact me. I will do my best to try and compensate.
Many thanks to those who did pre-book tickets, both visitors and exhibitors, and thanks to those who contacted me over the past couple of weeks.
Further more I (Ryu) will be taking a step back from the scene for the foreseeable future, I will keep IntuitionBase.com online and will update it from time to time but I won’t be sinking much effort into it. The Scunthorpe Amiga Group will remain but no meetings are planned, and I won’t make any more plans until things pick up again.
Thanks to all those who have supported me over the years, I hope to keep in touch with you all!
Adios and thanks for all the fish 