New Scan Doubler tests look good!
Date 7-Dec-2007 16:41:46 Topic: Hardware News
| A Scan doubler for the little man!
Please let it be known if you would like a scan doubler and if its worth making a bunch of them for the community...
I have been working with a engineer who has been creating a scan doubler which i just tested the prototype last night.
 The 2.0 Screen...Mmmm Purple..
I asked him to please make a scan doubler for the AMIGA community like he has done for the ATARI community...
 The 1.3 screen classic Amiga all the way..
 An Amiga 1200 and the scan doubler... Running Work bench 3.1
This Scan doubler has the potential of working with almost all of the classic Amiga's 500/600/1000/1200/2000/3000/4000 etc and it's way affordable. If things work out with this unit I am testing then the units will be available for AMIGANS soon after all testing and a few very minor bugs are squashed.
 The scan doubler on a Amiga 1000 for size comparison.
 The Scan doubler inside guts...
 Shown running 2.0 Work Bench...
Please support this new product by posting here if you could use one. Initial costs are to be determined but I see them way under $100$ and as you can see by the 3 AMIGA systems I already tested this new scan doubler on look great with a VGA flat screen monitor initial reactions are good this will be a awesome add on to any serious Amiga collector/hobbyist who wants to run vga...
 Amiga 500 Running Wings...
 Amiga 500 Running Wings...Looks great on a Lcd flat screen
 Amiga 500 Running Wings... Love this game.. And heck who doesn't want to run on a regular monitor?
Here is Desert Strike screen shots... running
 Here is Desert Strike screen shots...1
 Here is Desert Strike screen shots...2
 Here is Desert Strike screen shots...3
 Here is Desert Strike screen shots...4
Joe Leto