Commodore/Amiga Network meeting - Jan. 19
Date 9-Jan-2008 8:30:15 Topic: Events
| Greetings, C= and Ami aficionados,
Especially those in the Los Angeles area or those who plan to visit the Los Angeles area. The second meeting of the Commodore/Amiga Network (CAN) will be held on Saturday, January 19, at 4 p.m. in Castaic (northern Los Angeles area), California. For the exact address, send an e-mail to me at rbernardo(at)iglou.com
Because CAN is starting off as a new C= group, the style of the meeting is still freeform. Talk and demonstrations will center around Commodore and Amiga games and other applications. Other talk will be concerned about the schedule of meetings, officers (if any), a CAN webpage, etc.. Anybody with an interest in Commodore and Amiga is invited to join us at the meeting.
Truly, Robert Bernardo speaking for CAN