New AmigaE IRC Channel

Date 14-Apr-2008 22:39:46
Topic: Announcement

I have created an IRC channel for the AmigaE programming language.
With ECX being actively developed. Plus PortablE nearing the end of it's beta (development) phase, but not yet publicly released outside of the AmigaE mailing list. I thought now would be a good time to create an AmigaE IRC channel for anyone interested in programming in AmigaE. Really, its about as good as time as any to revive some interest back in the language.

Since the channel is brand new, there are not many in it right now, so don't be discouraged. Hopefully if we can obtain some regulars coming back to the channel it will gain popularity. I think IRC is a great way to gather information and discuss things about your favorite language.

The channel is on at #amigae

If your interested in AmigaE, please join us!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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