Amiga Seeding the Success Campaign July 2008 Winner
Date 15-Aug-2008 8:29:07 Topic: Announcement
| Chicago, Illinois – August 15th, 2008
Amiga Seeding the Success Campaign July 2008 Winner
The time has come to reveal the next winner of the Seeding the Success campaign from DiscreetFX. July's winner is PageStream from Grasshopper LLC.
Through good times and bad time PageStream has been a staple application on the Amiga platform. Now with all it's different versions it is truly a platform agnostic desktop publishing application. DTP programs on other platforms claim that their multi-platform but nothing comes close to being on as many operating systems as PageStream.
DiscreetFX congratulates their dedication and sticking with the Amiga through thick and thin. They adapted with change and also produced a MorphOS & Amiga OS 4.0 version. Classic Amiga owners are not left behind and even Linux, Mac OS X & Windows desktop publishers can get in on the page layout fun. Please follow our lead and support this hard working developer, the latest version 5.0 Pro has many cutting edge features and even allows you to edit some PDF files.
DiscreetFX has already sent this developer $100 via Paypal and has supported this great application for many years. Who will be the next winner of the Seeding the Success campaign. We are spreading positive karma though the Amiga OS, AROS & MorphOS communities.
Best regards
DiscreetFX Team