AmigaSYS 4 AGA - for real Amiga 1200/4000 computers is now released!
Date 21-Sep-2008 20:49:18 Topic: Software News
| AmigaSYS 4 for AGA computers is released. A lot of upgrades are included, and I do not mean just program updates, I mean real, evident, noticeable new features, which will heavily modify, improve and make the system more comfortable.
For example, more than 50 supported RAM/CPU cards, boot screen for every cpu and machine type, nice boot music, fully menu-controlled fast buttons, and full 68020-68060 optimized settings. The installer descriptions are expanded. If you used the former AmigaSYS AGA, then it is still worth it to look into the new descriptions. (Read more)
Content: AmigaSYS AGA system requirements, Supported OS list, Supported RAM and Turbo cards, Capabilities of the system, Installing (Windows/WinUAE, E-UAE/Linux, Without emulator on Linux, real Amiga), Download (HDF, LHA, Amiga compatible ISO image), Pictures.
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