OWB v2.13 released
Date 1-Nov-2008 14:31:22 Topic: Software News
| Looks like the release of Origyn Web Browser v2.13 on 25 October escaped notice.
Download here: Jörg Strohmayer http://strohmayer.org/ Aminet: http://aminet.net/package/comm/www/OWB OS4Depot: http://os4depot.net/?function=showfile&file=network/browser/owb.lha
Recent changes:
2.13 (25.10.2008)
* Disabled the normal and wait mouse pointers. They are still included as Resources/disabled-pointerCursor.info and disabled-waitCursor.info, if you want to use them in OWB instead of the system ones rename them to pointerCursor.info and waitCursor.info (bugs.os4depot.net issue #34). * Added a frame around the status bar (bugs.os4depot.net issue #33). * Updated to SVN revision 600. * Added PUBSCREEN tooltype for changing the name of the public screen. * For font families without bold/italic fonts OWB now constructs them from the regular font of the family instead of using fonts from the fallback font families. * Added displaying the source. * Added support for external bookmark tools, tooltype BOOKMARKCOMMAND, the first %s is replaced by OWB's ARexx port name (bugs.os4depot.net issue #13). * Included Paul E. Bloedel's AddressBook. * Included Fredrik Wikstrom's OWBLauncher tool with the splash image from Martin 'Mason' Merz (bugs.os4depot.net issue #32).