AMIGIFT 2.1 has been released.
Date 7-May-2010 20:55:56 Topic: hardware OS4
| We are proud to announce the availability of AMIGIFT Version 2.1. AMIGIFT is a multi-protocol peer-to-peer file sharing application for AmigaOS and compatible systems.
The list of changes since the last public release are as follows:
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$Id: ChangeLog,v 13.0 2010/04/11 19:07:25 diegocr Exp $
* The number of sources shown on the result's bubble-help wasn't correct, also fixed those bubble-helps to trim strings up to 100 characters, otherwise they don't open on certain screenmodes.
* There seems to be some strange issue coming up since os4.1.1 from the Gnutella plug-in, in a try to get rid of it we've removed some global variables usages which may or may not was causing such issue(s)... after all that was not so system-friendly/legal...
* Following the above explained Gnutella changes, we've done the same for the Ares and OpenFT plugins.
* Fixed the chat which wasn't working due changes made on freenode.
* Search Filters are now working as it should.
* Gnutella/trie.c: Replaced two assert()'ion checks which could cause the daemon being suspended when either running out of memory or sharing more than 4GB...
- Gnutella 2.12 now available.
* Changed the way version check for 3rd part libraries/classes is performed. It should no longer produce a crash under OS4 while checking Textinput#?.mcc
* The executable files downloaded from the Online Updater does not contain the Execute bit, causing problems under OS4 - Fixed.
* Each first search query is not properly inserted on the string's class history (context menu) - Fixed.
* Using 'Save To Disk ALL' still causes a requester to come up switching between preferences pages - Fixed.
* Fixed some issue(s) caused by uninitialized library base pointers from inside amigift.library (...)
* Fixed several catalog/build-in English strings for typos, Thanks a lot to Sam at who did the job.
- GiFTMui 2.0.201 Released.
* Downgraded required OpenURL.library back to version 6.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can download it from
NOTE: Remember you can download the archive AMIGIFT-deps.lha in case you lack some of the required 3rd-part libraries, you can find it in the 2.0 folder.
For further details on how to get started, please take a look at the website and/or check the online documentation