Icaros Desktop 1.2.3 has been released!
Date 7-Jul-2010 1:34:02 Topic: Announcement
| Great news for AROS folks and Amiga followers in general: the latest update of Icaros Desktop adds some new fancy features like playing videos from YouTube, and a more reliable 3D/2D graphic support for most Nvidia cards (from GeForce FX to GTX200, with various degree of compatibility and support). This new release adds also some new applications, like the music editor BigBand or the vector-graphic program AmiFig, just ported to AROS by Yannick Erb, or the desktop-grabbing tool Screenrecorder, while many other applications have been updated to the latest version. Icaros Desktop 1.2.3 is available in two formats: the complete Live! edition and the usual update-CD which must be installed over a pre-existing 1.2.2 installation with Icaros LiveUpdater. Screenshots and more details here: http://vmwaros.blogspot.com/2010/07/icaros-desktop-123-available-for.html