4GB CF IDE HARD DRIVE www.amigakit.com
Date 19-Jul-2010 10:40:38 Topic: Hardware News
| We are pleased to announce that we have just secured a large batch of 4GB CF IDE hard disks prepped/formatted ready for Amiga 1200, 600 or 4000 (specify on ordering from AmigaKit store)
The advantages of our drives are: - completely silent operation - responsive drives that run cool - fully prepped and formatted with our installation software pre-installed - high quality media fully compatible with Amiga
Direct Product Links
USA Store: http://www.amigakit.us/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=883
UK Store: http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=883
European Store: http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/EUR.php?url=product_info.php?products_id=883
Canadian Store: http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/CAD.php?url=product_info.php?products_id=883
www.amigakit.com Amiga Computer Store