Icaros 1.4 and AspireOS 1.7 released! Odyssey Web Browser 1.16 Inside!
Date 9-Mar-2012 6:11:53 Topic: software AROS
| We are happy to announce immediate availability of new major versions of two AROS distributions! Icaros 1.4 and AspireOS 1.7 are both packed with fixes and improvements to AROS that took place in recent months as well as new and updated applications. Both distributions also contain a gift from us, the developers and maintainers, to you, the community - Odyssey Web Browser. Freshly ported from latest MorphOS version!
About Odyssey Web Browser 1.16
Odyssey, developed by Fabien Coeurjoly, is the most advance browser for Amiga-like OSes. From today it's latest version, 1.16, is also available for AROS as part of Icaros 1.4 and AspireOS 1.7. Please join us in celebrating reaching another milestone in AROS journey! You can see Odyssey in action in the following videos: Icaros 1.4, AspireOS 1.7
The version we place in your hands is the first public release and we are aware that not all of the features present in the original are available in this version. We are however hard at work at making improvements to Zune to make the Odyssey even a better experience! You can support this effort by donating to the bounty. This first version is also an exclusive bundle (*) with Icaros 1.4 and AspireOS 1.7 - be sure to get one those distributions to enjoy the best browsing experience on AROS to date!
About Icaros 1.4
Icaros Desktop 1.4 is the new "point release" of the most known AROS distribution. This new version includes many changes and enhancements, giving users a better experience and amazing tools like Odyssey Web Browser, Audio Evolution 4, Frying Pan and many others. Coders will find a complete development environment with tools, libraries and languages, such as the latest versions of PortablE, fpc and so on. Icaros Desktop Live! also provides games and utilities for your every days fun, bringing the richest amiga-like desktop environment available on commodity hardware. Classic Amiga addicts will also enjoy playing their favorite games on ADF files without the need of original Kickstart files from Commodore, while other emulators included in the distribution allow access to software written for most platforms of the past.
Icaros 1.4 can be downloaded from http://www.icarosdesktop.org
About AspireOS 1.7
This AROS Distribution is very basic. The included software are well tested. AspireOS tries to be as close to the original Amiga OS as possible. To learn more about AspireOS and to download the latest release go to www.aspireos.com
(*) - Because of the changes to the overall system that have been made to ensure Odyssey works well, please do not try and extract from the distributions unless you fully understand what is needed and also understand you may be wrong. We want all users to enjoy this great new browser and not have their experience ruined by having the wrong version of support files installed.