iBatch + Image2IconGUI V.2 - Italian Week -

Date 17-May-2012 21:15:00
Topic: Amigaworld.net News

This week we have lots of news regarding iBatch. Especially some news from Italian "iBatch supporters":

1. iBatch website, is now ready for multi language support. Currently we have an Italian translation and English as build in. www.geobiz.de/ibatch.html

2. Simone "Tuxedo" kindly integrated an "iBatch mode" into LoViewThumb thumbnailviewer. You can completely replace integrated thumbnailviewer (iThumb), if you want. AW newsitem on LoView

3. Thumbnail Icons for your images can now easily be created using Image2IconGUI V.2. Even a proper alignment for your icons can be obtained by using auto cropping or resizing. Image2IconGUI V.2 can be used as standalone and in conjunction with iBatch as plugin/capsule.

You donnot have to wait for OS4.2 thumbnailicon functionallity -it is here already !

About Image2IconGUI V.2:

i2iGUI enables you to create Icons showing thumbnails of images in
a given directory. Resulting thumbnails can be rendered Amiga OS 3.5 Icons
or OS 4.x compatible DualPNG Icons (full color). If needed, thumbnail Icons
will be cropped or resized in order to have all the same demension. This results
in a perfect alignment on your Workbench. i2iGUI can be used
as standalone or in conjunction with iBatch (therefore as plugin). When used as
Plugin for iBatch, it will be called "image2icon plugin capsule", as it is not just
a "plugin". "Capsules" always utilize third party software. In this case you need
Image2Icon CLI Tool (at least for OS3.5 Icons).

- create preview thumbnail icons of a given directory
- crop/resize Icons for better alignment (same width and height)
- true color Dual PNG (OS4) and rendered OS 3.5 Icons
- add a black border around Icon
- or add glow effect
- print image resolution onto thumbnail icon
- determine program to be used when opening image (default tool)
- print EXIF Information into Icon's tooltype field

Image2IconGUI can be downloaded from iBatch Website and later from OS4depot and Aminet.

LoViewThumb and iBatch:


Image2IconsGUI and alignment (crop):


This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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