RadeonHD driver update
Date 27-Jun-2012 10:09:43 Topic: software OS4
| A-EON Technology and ACube Systems sign RadeonHD driver accord
Cardiff, 26th June 2012
Following our announcement that we have secured the future of RadeonHD graphic drivers for AmigaOS 4 we are pleased to reveal we have now made an agreement with ACube Systems which will allow owners of new AmigaOne 500 and Sam460 systems access to the new RadeonHD drivers and future updates. Registered owners of these new systems will be able to download free RadeonHD driver updates from the A-EON Technology website as and when then become available. Details of how to register will be made available in the near future. Pre-existing AmigaOne 500 owners will also benefit from this agreement. Pre-existing Sam460 owners will still be able to purchase the RadeonHD driver from the A-EON Technology website. ACube's Max Tretene commented on the new agreement, “We're all happy about the securing of the driver development (for AmigaOS 4)”, while Trevor Dickinson added, “Driver support for the latest RadeonHD graphics cards is a massive achievement for AmigaOS 4 and I'm pleased that ACube's customers can benefit from Hans de Ruiter's work. These are exciting times for AmigaOS 4 users.”
We are also pleased to confirm that Hans is making excellent progress with the RadeonHD driver as he works towards the version 1.0 release. The latest version (0.46) has just been uploaded to the AmigaONE X1000 beta test team for testing. Registered AmigaONE X1000 "First Contact" customers will be able download the latest update from the A-EON Technology website in the near future.
About Hans de Ruiter & HDRLab: Hans de Ruiter is an electrical & electronic engineer and leading AmigaOS developer and Amiga enthusiast. His website - HDRLab - details various projects, many of which are AmigaOS related. The biggest of these is the RadeonHD driver for AmigaOS, an ambitious project that aims to deliver modern graphics capabilities for the AmigaOS platform.
About AmigaOS: The AmigaOS dates back to 1985 with the introduction of the landmark Amiga 1000. Today, under the guidance and control of Hyperion Entertainment, AmigaOS has evolved into a modern operating system without losing that intrinsic "Amiga" look and feel.
About the AmigaONE X1000: The AmigaONE X1000 is not like other computers. It is a culmination of efforts by real Amiga enthusiasts and developers to create powerful, modern desktop hardware for the AmigaOS. It is the natural evolution of the Amiga's PowerPC lineage and is based on the PA-Semi Dual-core PA6T-1682M CPU and includes Xena, a "Software Defined Silicon" co-processor. Above all it runs the latest version of the AmigaOS.
About ACube Systems S.r.l.: ACube Systems are the designers and developers of the Sam440, Sam460 and AmigaOne 500 computer systems for AmigaOS 4.
Web links:
HDR Labs - http://hdrlab.org.nz/ A-EON Technology - http://www.a-eon.com ACube Systems - http://www.acube-systems.biz/ AmigaOS - http://www.amigaos.net/ AMD RadeonHD - http://www.amd.com/